With top-notch infrastructure and facilities located in a high-end corporate tower in the Financial District of Hyderabad, the centre is ready for arbitration and mediation at par with international standards. Rooms are designed to cater to both large and medium sized proceedings depending on the requirement of the cases.
Well-equipped breakout rooms can be used for confidential discussions during ongoing arbitration and mediation sessions. These multi-functional rooms can be utilised for arbitration and mediation in smaller groups, as well as to cater to online proceedings.
Easy access for arbitrators and parties to attend virtual proceedings, as well as record evidence through video conferencing facilities.
The arbitration halls at the Centre are large and spacious, they can be modified to suit both smaller and larger groups of participants.
Using plush furnishings and latest gadgets in all areas, from mediation rooms to arbitration halls, and arbitrators lounges. The centre has been built to provide a state-of-the-art experience to its users.