Emerging Best Practices In The Use Of Experts To Increase Their Value Proposition In Arbitration

We are delighted to invite you to an upcoming conference on August 20, 2023, being hosted in association with FTI Consulting surrounding the use of experts in arbitration and the value they contribute to the arbitral process.
Our distinguished speakers for the event include:
The Chief Justice of the High Court for the State of Telangana, Hon’ble Mr Justice Alok Aradhee
Justice Alok Aradhe enrolled as a lawyer on July 12, 1988, and practised at the High Court of Madhya Pradesh in Jabalpur, dealing with Civil and Constitutional, Arbitration and Company matters.
He was appointed as the Additional judge of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh on December 29, 2009, and Permanent Judge on February 15, 2011. Justice Alok Aradhe took oath as Judge of Karnataka High Court on November 17, 2018, and assumed charge as the Acting Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court on July 3, 2022.
On July 23, 2023, he was sworn in as the Chief Justice of the Telangana High Court.
Douglas Jones, AO
Prof Douglas Jones is a leading international arbitrator and an International Judge of the Singapore International Commercial Court. He has presided over arbitrations covering infrastructure, energy, commodities, intellectual property, commercial and joint venture, and investor-state disputes spanning over 30 jurisdictions around the world with amounts in dispute in excess of billions of dollars.
Janet Walker, CM
Prof Janet Walker is an independent international arbitrator and distinguished research professor and past associate dean of Osgoode Hall Law School. Prof Walker has authored the main text on private international law in Canada, cited in more than 400 judgments to date.
Vincent Rowan, Partner King & Spalding, London
Mr Vincent’s practice focuses on the management and resolution of complex construction and engineering disputes. Mr Rowan has represented clients (both owners and contractors) on disputes related to some of the world’s most iconic infrastructure and energy projects built during his 30 years of practice. He is recognized as a leading lawyer in the field of construction and engineering law by all major legal directories.
Lee Baker, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Mr. Baker is a planner and delay analyst with extensive international expertise, gained over the last 20 years. He is recognised in Who’s Who Legal as one of the world’s leading International Arbitration Expert Witnesses. Mr. Baker trained as a construction planner and now provides clients with comprehensive planning, delay analysis and project risk management solutions for a wide range of sectors within the construction industry.
Kartik Balisagar, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting
Mr. Balisagar is a member of the Economic and Financial Consulting segment and leads the FTI Consulting Economic and Financial practice in India. He is also currently building the firm’s Latin American practice. Karthik has 16 years of experience specializing in valuation issues in the context of international arbitration and litigation.